"Developing tools for clinicians, by clinicians to be used in clinics"
The ACEmobile team are a small collection of Academic Clinicians, engineers, researchers and volunteers who collectively support the philosophy of advancing the assessment of cognition in dementia and other clinical areas. The agreed ethos within this team is to provide tools, such as ACEmobile, for free to support this endeavour.
We hope that like minded clinicians and academics will both value the use of this tool in their own practice and look for opportunities to support its continued development by actively sharing their data back with us or by developing their own research projects which include the use of ACEmobile or which seek to support its evolution into the future.
We are the initial ACEmobile community members and look forward to its expansion with enthusiasm.
The ACEmobile project is currently developed and maintained by the FRONTIER team at the University of Sydney. The original ACEmobile was created by Professor John Hodges (FRONTIER), Dr. Craig Newman (NeuroCoRe) and Dr. Rupert Noad (NeuroCoRe). The ACEmobile was programmed by Adrian Russel and Ryan Willis.